FO: Cary Depot

While I’m continuing to make slow progress on the striped sweater I started on New Year’s Eve, the fingering weight yarn and the frequent pauses to change colors mean that even if I knit for an hour or two at a time it doesn’t feel like I’m gaining much ground. I’m trying to keep pace with Amy Herzog’s Deep Winter Knit-A-Long (note to self: actually join the KAL thread on Ravelry instead of just lurking), which means that I have until the end of March to finish up. In the meantime, I desperately needed a little quick gratification so as not to completely stall out, so I turned to my Ravelry favorites and my little pile of leftover yarn. And wouldn’t you know, I managed a hat out of it!


The pattern, Glenna C’s Union Station Beret, has been in my favorites for ages, along with both of her Urban Collection bundles and a handful of standalone patterns. Glenna’s penchant for cables comes through in many of her designs, and when you’re looking to increase your cache of warm winter hats you can’t go wrong with squooshy wool cables. The yarn I used is the remnant from my Courant sweater. I can’t decide if I’ll wear the two together or not—as much as I like matching, that seems like it would be a bit much.


My version ended up a beanie rather than a beret by accident: I cast on with the correct size needle, but when I went up two needle sizes, I referred to the US size rather than the metric size. The 0.5 mm difference combined with a lighter-than-called-for yarn and a firm gauge resulted in a hat with no extra room for slouch.


I was a bit bummed at first, and I considered re-knitting it since I still had yarn left. But I ultimately decided that I wanted a hat more than I wanted a beret specifically, and ripping out the entire thing sort of defeated the purpose of an easy, motivation-boosting project anyway. Wearing it out proved that I made the right choice, and I’m glad to have another hat in rotation for the remaining cold days of winter.

In the spirit of playing around with pattern names, I’ve dubbed this Cary Depot after the train station in our town. We can hear the trains trundling along and sounding their horns from our house. I know some people dislike the idea of living anywhere they can hear traffic noise, but I’ve always lived near transportation hubs—a commercial airport for my childhood home, and train tracks for both my college and first post-college apartments—so I find it comfortingly familiar.

Plus, who can resist an opportunity to play around with a bronze conductor statue?


Project: Cary Depot
Pattern: Union Station Beret
Yarn: Tanis Fiber Arts Yellow Label DK in Velvet

Old Year, New Year

Yikes, where did the first day of the new year go? Justin and I were having so much fun visiting with family that we lost track of time. No matter—it’s never too late for a recap and a look forward!

I launched this blog almost a year ago, after a feverish four-day weekend spent customizing my site. In my time online, I’ve made 64 posts and garnered 8 comments. While I’d hoped to connect with more people, I’m proud that I’ve averaged just over a post a week. I know that these posts have been concentrated in the beginning and end of the year, so I’d like to work on increasing both my frequency and regularity of posting. I really do enjoy the writing, even if I’m excruciatingly slow at it.

A long car ride on New Year’s Eve gave me plenty of time to mull over my goals for 2016, and I feel confident that these are the things I want to focus on, and that they’re all achievable. In no particular order:

  • Set up a permanent sewing space. In our last apartment, I had plenty of space to create a dedicated sewing area, but I never bought or built the furniture I needed to make the space work, so it mostly served as a dumping ground. In the new house, we have an office and a guest room, both of which provide a place to put a sewing table and possibly a cutting table. Having my machines, tools, and supplies ready to go at all times will enable me to spend less of my time preparing to sew and more of my time actually sewing.
  • Stop feeling constrained by my fabric stash and sew the garments I need and want. As I’ve mentioned previously, I have a small bin of fabric that consists mostly of quilting project leftovers and de-stash pieces from my mom. Not wanting any of this material to go to waste, I’ve often looked for projects to use it up. The problem is that these projects are not themselves necessarily things that I need or want, which means even when they’re successful they’re not particularly useful. If I want to make T-shirts, I need to buy fabric suitable for T-shirts. I don’t have to use up the scraps first; they won’t go bad. If I need them for a project down the road, they’ll be right where I left them; if I don’t think I’ll ever use them, I don’t need to contrive a purpose for them—I can just give to someone who will use them.
  • Be a more productive knitter. I completed only 6 knitting projects in 2015, including one I started in 2014. This is roughly on par with previous years’ output, but I know that I’m capable of more. I’m a largely monogamous knitter, and I don’t suffer from startitis. Quite the opposite—I usually struggle to decide what to cast on, which means I can go days or weeks between finishing one project and starting the next. I don’t enjoy these long breaks, and become anxious and dissatisfied until I get a new project on the needles. To combat this, I’m going to be more mindful of queuing projects so that I have time to purchase patterns or choose yarn before I finish my current knit. That way, I’m not trying to decide on a new project while feeling agitated that I haven’t started something yet. I may even try out casting on before my current project is complete so I never have a time when there isn’t something on the needles.
  • Learn how to dye fiber with natural ingredients. Dyeing, particularly natural dyeing, is an art I’ve wanted to research since I visited Old Salem for my birthday in 2014. Justin gifted me The Modern Natural Dyer for Christmas, and I’m eager to start learning and experimenting.
  • Transform one area of our new house. It doesn’t matter to me what room, or part of a room, we change. It doesn’t matter if we accomplish the transformation with paint, furniture, art, textiles, or a little bit of everything. I just know that after living in our last apartment for two years, you could count on one hand the number of differences between the way it looked on the day we moved in and the day we moved out. I don’t want that to be true of our house. I don’t expect to “finish” the house in a year, but I want to be able to look back at the before photos and say, “Wow, can you believe how far we’ve come?”

On the whole 2015 was a good year for us, which makes me even more excited for the possibilities of 2016.


If this is any indication, things are off to a great start. 🙂

FO: Turbo

Last finished project of the year!


In the beginning of November, smack dab in the final rush of packing to move from our apartment to our new house, and just days before the wedding of longtime family friend, Justin had to take a work trip to Bainbridge Island, Washington. Since neither of us had ever been, I tried to find a way to go with him, but it just wasn’t in the cards. I consoled myself with the thought that there would be other opportunities, and that with his packed schedule there probably wouldn’t have been much time for sightseeing anyway.

Or so I thought. My intrepid husband managed to squeeze out an hour or so of free time one evening, and rather than trotting off to the nearest tourist destination he made a beeline to the nearest yarn store, Churchmouse Yarns & Teas, instead. He picked out the store’s Autumn Blend black tea and two skeins of Insouciant Fibers’ alpaca/CVM as souvenirs/early birthday gifts.


Apparently he convinced another employee from his company who was in town for the same work reasons to tag along, and he navigated Churchmouse so deftly that his compatriot assumed he was a native.

I know, right?! My non-knitting husband not only brings me back exotic yarn from his travels, but has spent enough time hanging around in yarn shops that he can fool others into thinking he’s one of us yarn-people. (Is there such a thing as an honorary yarn-person? I think he must be one.) I’m basically the luckiest woman alive. There was obviously a mix-up in the cosmic bookkeeping, but I’m not about to open my mouth and get a taste of my just deserts! 😛

Anyway, I landed on Cailyn Meyer’s Cruiser, a free mitten pattern that I’d favorited ages ago. (For the record, the fact that the designer’s name is eerily similar to mine had nothing to with it.) I’d planned to pair a different yarn with it, but decided that the 100% alpaca I had at the time might not be sturdy enough for mittens. But this alpaca/wool blend? Perfect.


I knit the first mitten in a size small, but even for my tiny hands and short fingers it was too small. The medium turned out just right. I didn’t bother to count rounds on the thumbs, so one thumb is longer than the other. I’d meant to rip it out and fix it before I wove in the ends, but then I forgot. It’s only really noticeable when you hold both mittens up next to each other and it doesn’t affect fit, so I’m not worried about it.


The yarn was a pleasure to work with. It marries the best qualities of wool and alpaca into a wonderfully springy blend with just the right amount of fuzziness. The cables show up clearly but with a bit of a rustic halo about them. I did encounter regular small bits of vegetable matter, but I honestly found this more charming than annoying. It reminds you that this yarn came from real, live sheep–Caitlin, Artie, and Cerrie, to be exact. (Yep, I also share a name with one of the yarn’s wooly providers. Clearly it was meant to be.)

The cable is identical on both mittens, making it intuitive to work and memorize. To me it resembles to the turbo symbol in video games, which gives your go kart/sprite/bandicoot avatar a short burst of speed. This pattern is definitely a speedy knit: I think you could knock it out in a week of evenings or a dedicated weekend. The only reason it took me as long as it did was because I stalled on finishing the thumbs and weaving in the ends in the midst of holiday preparations.

Dashing off a quick and satisfying project right at the end of this year was just the boost I needed to head into the new year with a renewed desire to KNIT ALL THE THINGS. One of my goals for 2016 is to be a more productive knitter, rather than allowing long lapses between projects. Tune in tomorrow for a quick retrospective on 2015 and more goals for 2016!


FO: Zippered DPN Case

Back in 2013, when I was still living in Virginia Beach, my interest in knitting had just started to really take off. I had access to not one but two local yarn stores, and I had just attended my first fiber festival–the Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival in Berryville, Virginia, to be precise. A few precious skeins of luxury and hand-dyed yarn had already come into my possession, but my real passion was tools.

I stumbled upon ChiaoGoo RED lace circular needles early on and they quickly became my favorites. At first I kept them in their original plastic wrappers, but it was a pain, and not pretty either. As I continued to accumulate needles, I started scouring Etsy and blogs for a suitable solution, but eventually decided that I would be happier if I made my own, customized for my needs.



Fast forward two years, and my stalwart little roll was practically overflowing with needles. Despite doubling up needles of the same size I was out of pockets, and the DPNs in particular had a nasty habit of wriggling free and diving to the bottom of my knitting bag. It was time for a new solution, preferably one that was more secure.

After spotting a zipped case I liked online, I set to work drafting my own ideal version. Since the finished dimensions weren’t very large, it seemed like a perfect opportunity to pick up a few coordinating fat quarters rather than committing to yardage.


Cheery, no? Sadly, the fabric was printed horribly off-grain, and the strong geometric pattern coupled with rectangular pattern pieces meant that there was no way to hide the misprint. I considered reversing the inside and outside fabrics, but decided that I wouldn’t tolerate it being off-grain just because it was less visible–I would know, dang it! So I headed back to the fabric store, and guess what? I found the exact same paisley print that I had used on my original roll. Crazy, right? If you’re interested, you can still find it here.



There are two components to the design. The inside “folder” consists of two rectangular halves joined by a fabric hinge. The right side features two rows of pockets for needles.


The left side features a single clear zippered pocket for knitting paraphernalia.


The outside consists of a “shell” with a corresponding fabric hinge and a zipper around the other three sides. The zipper is inserted in a fabric gusset to allow enough room for the contents without bulging.

Execution was more difficult than design, as is so often the case. I didn’t account for the thickness of the sandwich of cotton batting and three layers of quilting cotton, which made binding the edges with handmade bias tape a struggle and also made the finished folder larger than planned. But since I’d already sewn up the shell, including doing the mental gymnastics necessary to insert the zipper into the gusset so that it was actually functional, I was not about rip all of that apart, go back to the store to buy even more fabric, and start that part over again. Instead, I painstakingly slipstitched the folder into the shell, manhandling it into place where necessary (mostly the corners). This probably contributed to the way that the gusset and zipper stick out in weird waves, instead of creating a smooth plane perpendicular to the front and back of the case.

Apart from those headaches, the construction involved a minimal amount of hair-pulling. I actually rather liked working with the clear vinyl, although I would recommend against using transparent tape to hold things in place unless you fancy cleaning off the residue later. Better to stick to pinning within the seam allowance and other invisible places, such as within the width of the zipper tape.

Speaking of zippers, I thought it was going to be needlessly complicated and expensive to find a long enough zipper to wrap around the shell, until a found a non-separating bathrobe zipper in a hidden bin at the fabric store. They only came in white, but it was easier than ordering something online. If you’re the enterprising sort, you could probably dye them to match your project.

The only thing I really regret is not interfacing the inside of the front and back of the shell. I recall thinking that if I added interfacing I would have to add another layer of fabric or bias binding somewhere, and I was afraid that that would interfere with the zipper operation. Or something like that. I vainly hoped that the thickness of the inner folder would keep things flat, but everything slumps a little too much for my liking. Maybe one day I’ll work on an improved version of the design, but for now this little case does an admirable job of corralling my ever-expanding DPN collection.


What do you use to hold your needles, DPNs or otherwise? If you made your own, did you follow a pattern/tutorial or did you create your own design?

FO: CustomFit Courant

Have you ever had a project that was so fraught with problems and frustrations that, when it was finally finished, you weren’t sure if you even wanted the thing anymore? This sweater was a little bit lot like that.


The yarn, Tanis Fiber Arts Yellow Label DK, was a souvenir from the Purple Purl in Toronto, Ontario. I visited during a day trip while on a longer vacation to the Canadian side of Niagara Falls to celebrate my fifth wedding anniversary, and I went in with the explicit purpose of purchasing a sweater quantity. I chose the color because it’s similar to a long-gone favorite sweater (a casualty of threadbare elbows and, eventually, a too-short hem). I specifically bought enough to complete Amy Herzog’s Courant, a pattern similar to another favorite sweater that needs to be retired (it also succumbed to threadbare elbows, as well as shadowy underarm discoloration that won’t wash out).


Just after I returned from that trip, Amy announced the Maker program for CustomFit. CustomFit is a Web-based application that uses your body measurements and your gauge to generate a custom sweater pattern. Anyone can create a CustomFit account for free to store body measurements and gauge information; you only pay when you generate a custom sweater pattern. The Maker program is a subscription option for CustomFit that allows you to pay a small monthly fee to receive sweater credits on predetermined dates throughout the year that can be redeemed for patterns, rather than paying per pattern. The Maker program has basic and premium subscriptions, and both offer significant cost savings over the pay-as-you-go option if you knit more than six sweaters a year.

I’m not that prolific (yet), but I was intrigued by the concept and wanted to support this alternative approach to pattern sales. Plus, I was already preparing to cancel another subscription service that I no longer used, and it coincidentally had the same annual cost, so I decided to trade one subscription for another to get a service that I would actually use without increasing my monthly spending. Win-win.


With Justin’s help I took comprehensive body measurements. I knit a gauge swatch. Because Courant is one of the patterns built into CustomFit, all I had to do was plug my numbers into a simple form and hey presto! I had a perfectly fitting sweater pattern at my fingertips.

In a flurry of excitement I cast on and knit all of the pieces in about ten days, helped along by a four-day weekend and a very understanding husband. Then I blocked and sewed up all of the pieces, and suddenly I realized that this sweater was not going to fit. It was too big all over, but especially in the armholes and bust.

I wept. I wailed. I gnashed my teeth. I questioned whether I was the only person in all of knittingdom for whom the magical fitting formula simply did not work. I prophesied a lifetime of ill-fitting hand-knit sweaters and despair.

I…may have overreacted.

But can you blame me? Promised the sublime joy of a perfectly fitting sweater without on-the-fly modifications or frogging, is it any wonder that my hopes went soaring among the rafters? Or that, when this elusive prize failed to materialize, they would come crashing down with such noise?


When I finally pulled myself together, I contacted the CustomFit help desk, where I was connected with none other than Amy herself to discuss my knitting and fitting woes. We determined that the most likely culprit was a combination of a too-small swatch and superwash yarn, which has a tendency to grow under its own weight more than a non-superwash yarn in larger items, with a dash of mis-measuring thrown in. She counseled me to give in to my tight knitting tendencies, as a firmer fabric can counteract superwash stretching shenanigans. She also provided more insight into the different amounts of ease in various parts of my schematic.


Eventually I mustered the energy to frog all of the pieces, de-kink and re-wind the yarn, and knit several new swatches. I generated a fresh pattern at a tighter gauge, provided to me for free courtesy of the lovely folks on the CustomFit team.

It took a lot longer to re-knit the sweater than it did to knit it, partly because of the gauge and partly because I wasn’t feeling particularly charitable toward the project. The bazillion ends created from re-working already-cut yarn certainly didn’t help matters. And if that weren’t enough, I decided that the original cowl-neck wouldn’t work with my yarn (no natural drape), so I redesigned it to have a split that would allow it to lie flat across my shoulders.


I finally completed the sweater at the end of May. When I tried it on, I wasn’t in love. Some of the problems are my own doing. The sleeve cuffs are a little snugger than I’d like, but I narrowed the sleeves compared to the original pattern, and my tubular cast on ironically turned out to be tighter than my normal long-tail cast on even though by all accounts it should be stretchier. I also think the fabric I created is too stiff: while not quite bulletproof, it still lacks some of the flexibility and recovery you would expect from a plied 100% wool yarn.

Some of the problems are, I think, a result of a conflict between my fit preferences and the fit philosophy underlying CustomFit. When I chose a close fit, I imagined it would hug my back curve more closely, and I didn’t anticipate so much excess fabric under the bust. (In case you’re looking at the photo above and thinking that I’m full of lies, I should mention that I’m holding my breath in that picture. No, I don’t know why, although caramels and homemade Chex Mix are delicious easy scapegoats.) I also understood that the purpose of negative ease at the hips is to better anchor the sweater, but when I raise my arms, a healthy sliver of midriff appears.


Basically, I expected a close fit to better conform to my shape, instead of completely hiding what little waist definition I have and making me look like a rectangle. But, since it was too warm to wear anyway, I decided to stuff the entire thing in a drawer and re-evaluate my feelings in colder weather.

I pulled it back out to wear while Christmas tree hunting on the one of the few below-freezing days this month, and I can confirm that it is at least warm. I don’t dislike it quite as much as I did during the first try-on–I’m no longer entertaining the absolutely ridiculous notion of frogging the whole thing a second time to make a different sweater–but it will never be my favorite sweater.


Despite my lukewarm feelings, I’m going to give CustomFit another try. If I can’t find a way to make it work for me, then I can always spend my credits making sweaters for Justin now that CustomFit has options for straight sweaters.